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Turning things upside down

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Francis Asis | 19:08 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
A while ago someone (Knobby perhaps?) told us how to turn the screen display upside down. This has happened to one of the laptops at my daughters school and they dont know how to put it right. Can said person please help?


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ctrl and alt and arrow buttons simultaniously
Question Author
Thanks Johnny, but I've just tried that and it doesnt work. Is it any particular arrow or all of them?
under the numbers the arrows choose the direction
has any body else tried it ?
Don't work for me either
Question Author
I'm on a laptop. My arrows are under the enter key
Oh yeah - it works for me!! how weird.. why would you want your screen sideways on..?

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Turning things upside down

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