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tanyavee | 15:33 Sun 03rd Apr 2005 | Phrases & Sayings
9 Answers
Has anyone said boo to a goose if yes why, do they jump?


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Because of the supposed stupidity of the bird of that name, the word 'goose' has meant a simpleton since the 1500s. So, 'saying boo to a goose' - whether human or avian - is about the least brave thing one could imagine anyone doing and, as a result, very shy people are accused of being unable to do even that.

Say 'Boo!' to any person or creature in circumstances where it is unexpected and they're likely to jump!

as anyone that knows me would concurr, i wouldn't say boo to a goose!
But would you hurt a fly, mr. piper?
I had a Llama spit at me from 20 feet,And i did'nt even say Boo to It.
well Indiesinger, it all depends whether the fly was vomitting on my dinner and then sucking the resultant mush up again. should a drunken scotsman in a balti house do it to me, i would certainly remove at least two of his internal organs and stamp on them. so, should the fly do it, i would feel compelled to cut out his liver and eat it with some fava beans and a good chianti.

Actually, this question's got me thinking: Has anyone ever managed to fight their way out of a wet paper bag?

And what about crushing a grape?

Who would want to? Have you ever been inside a wet paper bag? Its to die for :p

I know a guy who managed to arrange a drinking session in a brewery
I know someone else who ran a bath and... well, won. 'Cause the bath didn't have any legs.

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