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tiggerblue10 | 17:59 Sun 08th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
have been removed!!!


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Hi tigger, what were they about ?
You are not in the dungeon yet.
oh Tigger, whats going on. BTW can I have the recipe for the lentil and potato curry you made. it sounds delicious.
Question Author
Nothing interesting Cab. I was just on a wind up but I think Ed got wind of it and removed them.
My last Q has been removed , i was posting
to legend about a hangover cure , a greasy
fry up !! So what's wrong with that ?
now my q is back ...
I can see your posts tigger and theonlyone's post was still there just now. Strange things afoot on here
noooooooooooooo -there was nowt in them -did you overpost maybe hun xx
Maybe someone who posted has been banned and they have removed the threads -I dont know how this works at al.Annoying tho when you put the effort in -im sure they will be back soon !!
Question Author
2 or 3 medium potates
Tin of cooked lentils
1 medium onion
1 or 2 cloves garlic
tsp mustard seeds
tsp cumin seeds and half tsp ground cumin
tsp turmeric
tsp ground coriander
half a chili (whichever strength you prefer)
tsp powdered veg stock (marigold is the best)
tbsp veg oil

Fry onions, chopped chili and garlic in some veg oil until softened then add mustard and cumin seeds. Then add the powdered spices and stock until coated in the oil. Add the lentils including liquid and cubed potatoes to the onion mix and pour some water in if needed. Simmer for 20 - 30 minutes.
He as seen your Shaving Thread and thought we dont want that trollop on hear! lol
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As I said in another thread I think Ed got wind of my conspiracy. Or maybe he just got wind!
If your down the Dungeon Tig,so should i be!
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I checked on my profile Dris and it said that 4 posts had been removed.
Hey sounds fabby -I have just printed it off -cheers x
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Enjoy Dris x
thanks Tigg, gonna cook it tomorrow x
Question Author
Enjoy Afcjan x

Oh I forgot to say season with salt and pepper to taste.
Tigger that sounds a tasty recipe, will try it another day. x

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