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ianfran | 21:15 Thu 05th Mar 2009 | Food & Drink
33 Answers
Do you like it or not? If you do what do you have it with?


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hate the stuff, Its horrible. I only ever tasted it once and that was the last.

Yuck Yuck Yuck.
love it! mandimoo your right about with marmalde and peanut butter and eggs

oh and latest today was marmite flavoured rice cakes dipped in taramasalta ( ok it was wierd but in a good way....)
I used to like it but now I dont - I suppose I may like it again in the future.
i loves it i do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love marmite. I have it on toast, i put it in spag bol and also on my ham or corned beef sandwiches. Its yummy now my kids are hooked on it but him indoors hates the stuff, even though he has'nt tried yet.!!!!!!
Love it on toast :)
I love it, Mr R hates it with a vengeance. Its better than a headache any day.
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try it again, squitty, with some lightly browned toast! lovely!
Try it on Ryvita with low fat spready cheese........... Diet food
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Love it. As well as having it on toast, if I'm making plain pastry I bunch up all the trimmings, roll them out into a rectangle and lightly spread Marmite over the surface. Then I roll it up like a Swiss Roll and cut off individual little slices to make pinwheels. Bake until crisp. Makes a delicious snack, especially if the pastry also has grated cheese mixed in with it.

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