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What are the advantages to being single?

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NoMercy | 12:05 Sat 07th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
67 Answers
Non-single people can still answer this question ;-)


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Advantages of being single ...



You can walk round the house naked

Nobody moans if you puke in the bath tub (except the cleaning lady)

Get to listen to your choice of CDs ALL the time
You can walk round the house naked

Unless you forget that the neighbors have a balcony..... opps!
They don't care.

I have to get a bum tan somehow !!
Advantages of being single:

No one else to wash/cook/clean for
No middle of the night fights when HE takes up ALL the bed and ALL the duvet
No being dragged round the bloody shops in Norwich when all you want to do is put your feet up with a large glass of pinot
no guilt trips about the appallingly untidy state of your house.

All of which I have encountered in the last 24 hours and all of which have driven me to the point of despair.
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Barmaid - you have my sympathy!

JJ - I still wouldn't walk round the house naked in case I caught site of my own reflection and it put me off my dinner!!!

Anyway guys, it's been fun today, as per usual. I'm signing off now and will be back late Monday afternoon.
Have a good w/end everyone and don't drink to much!

Oh b*ll*cks - ignore that last bit! XXX
One of the biggest advantages to being single is the overall cost of living. Everything is so much cheaper: shopping, gas, electric. With only one person using the utilities, consuming food, etc., it is just so much cheaper to live on your own. If you want something you can buy it without having to answer to anyone. You get to decide which luxuries are worth the ungodly price some shops are asking for. You simply determine if you are able to fit it into YOUR budget. Best one of all is no fighting over the television channels.

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