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Fish Finger sandwiches.

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ummmm | 12:38 Tue 10th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
That's what I'm having for lunch. Haven't had one for years. Who else likes them?


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Oooh yummy! I love them - even put a bit of mash in with them a few times!
With loads of kechup!!! Yum ummmm!
mmmmmmm with loads of mayo, i'm going home fotr lunch today i think i may indulge!
sounds like something i need to try. but yeah, will need some ketchup on it
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Yea with ketchup or maybe some cheese....Roll on 12 :-)
Think I can hear the freezer door opening. I love fish finger butties, loads of butter and ketchup on them, and a nice mug of tea to go with them!
oooh yum,

with tartare sauce or salad cream
mmm i think i will have a fish finger sarnie right now with bacon.
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That's lunch sorted for a few then :-)

I'm off to cook them now....
I love fish finger sandwiches! Not had one in a while though either...
With tartar sauce and/or ketchup! Yum!
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I've got one with ketchup and one with horseradish.

Very nice Red :-)
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The horseradish one was the best.
Horseradish is a new one on me. I might have to try that seeing as you said it was the better of the two you had :-)
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I had a little bit of grated cheese as well. It was yummmmy :-)
i ended up in m&s i've had sushi, a salad bowl some crisps and i have an apricot danish staring at me and i want to but i can't i'm too full!

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Fish Finger sandwiches.

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