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Are there plenty of

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angel21 | 14:20 Tue 10th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
admin jobs that don't involve using the phone or that making phone calls is rare in?


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Hi angel21

I work in admin and have done so for the past 7 years. All my jobs in this time have involved using the phone on a daily basis. I'd say its a requirement for most admin jobs. Why do you ask? x
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Hi CAJ1,

I was asking because I hate making phone calls. It's scary!!
using the phone can be awful for someone who is hard of hearing too.
You need a confidence boost, one good idea is to have a script when you have to use the phone, write it out, after a few times you will be fine!

BTW, have you actually got the job or is this just your ambition?
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Hi dot, that is something I have tried and it can make me sound too rehearsed sometimes. I think like you say this is the only way to improve on this really though. I will try doing that again.

I have got the admin job at the moment but I know I could get things done much more quickly and efficiently if I wasn't afraid to make phone calls. Plus then once I have mastered this skill I could get a better admin job.
Confidence comes with practice. I used to hate making them but I don't think twice about it now.

I would do practice runs with you like before but we might run up a big phone bill lol!
Hi angel why not visit a hypnotherapist to help with confidence issues!!!
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Bless you CAJ1 - I'd be scared to speak to you on the phone hehe. I've been in admin for 5 years and haven't improved which is very annoying and I'm wondering if I should just accept that phone calls are not my strength and try and find another area in admin where I can do more paperwork and less phone calls or whether there is still hope that I can get better at making phone calls.

Hynotherapy has crossed my mind actually puddicat. That will be my very last resort and I am not far off last resortedness right now
Lol. Can you identify what you are scared of - Is it saying the wrong thing, someone shouting at you etc?

Can you talk to your friends on the phone, is it just a work thing?

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People overhearing me. Whenever people can overhear me be it at work or just on the phone to friends/family.

I fear that I won't know what to say, will forget what I was phoning for, stutter, say the wrong thing etc. etc.

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