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MissCommando | 13:07 Tue 26th Apr 2005 | Body & Soul
32 Answers
Do you think that if I was to flirt with someone on the Internet, go on webcam etc and speak on the phone a lot to them that this is as good as cheating on my boyfriend in some way?  I'd like to know an outsider's view, thanks


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As long as your not gonna meet up and its a bit of harmless fun then I wouldnt worry about it.
corb are you my friend?
ALLO of course I'm yir friend- did you not think I was?
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I believe that the context of 'cheating' really stems from the content of your conversations/flirting. Everyone flirts more or less just on different levels. If you are questioning as to whether or not you think its cheating then i think you know the answer already otherwise it would not be subject to conjecture.

Only you know how 'far' your conversations go with this guy and it would seem that they go beyond the realms of what you would believe to be a purely platonic relationship hence you are looking for reaffirmation from others not privvy to your conversations to tell you that its not cheating whilst probably removing yourself from those who state otherwise.

Basically all im trying to say here is "do you get naked on your web cam?"

hey, its all good.... enjoy yourself and the attention..just dont even think about making arrangements to meet up with him, cos thats when the trouble really starts....
Too right don't make arrangements to meet him.  It will all go wrong from there.
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Mr Moleo - erm, not completely starkers on webcam, no  lol 

Thanks for all your opinions - your points just keep getting better and better

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It`s not physically cheating as in having sex with a person who is not your partner,but it is mentally cheating. What if you really like the person who you see on the webcam? What if you really like their voice on the phone? Surely you have some doubts about the ethics of this,or you wouldn`t have requested an outsiders view? For the record,i have been with my partner for over 10 years & we have 3 children. I can`t say how i would react if my partner chose to do this. It may not be cheating Miss Commando,but it`s not very fair either.

Imagine the situation, instead of online, was with a chap who lived round the corner. As far as I understand it, he fancies you, you don't fancy him but like him as a friend, and your boyfriend has never met him. Now you all have things to recognise: He has to realise he's got no chance with you, you have to stop leading him on (if you are) and your boyfriend has to accept that someone else likes his girlfriend but hopefully will be secure enough with you not to mind too much.

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