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stompe | 22:10 Tue 10th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Knack of putting your foot in it?


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Up fools @sses? Then yes!
In the dog doo doo? Then no!
In my mouth? Then maybe!
I only open my mouth to change feet !!
Oh good lord stompe, I am reknowned for putting me foot in it, right up to me knees
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Me to Haysi x
Lol@ Naomicorlett !
Do you stompe ? I don't .
Yes bigmama. My worst one still makes me fill up with tears when I think what an awful thing to say. Luckily the person I said it to realised that it was NOT meant maliciously and was just a case of " Don't mention the war ! " And that was getting on for 30 years ago. Engage brain before opening mouth.

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