Whats is transferable solatium my father is suing a hospital but passed away a few months ago i and my brother are named executors on my dads will can we claim transferable solatium.
Are you in the UK - this certainly does not sound like a UK term. You can ask to be substituted under the provisions of CPR Part 19 in the claim in replace of your deceased father. However, I should seek your solicitor's advice.
Are you in Scotland?
Where have you got the term 'transferable solatium' from- a solicitor? If so ,ask him/her.
Are you wondering whether you can continue your dad's legal action and get any proceeds?
In scotland yes want to no if we can continue with dads claim.
However was told by a legal help line i would need transferable solatium as not only can myself and my brother make a claim but my dads brother as well.