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To play Devil's advocate it was when he was young, should all people be judged by their behaviour 20 years ago in University?
If he's still a bit of a shady wnakerlooking at porn then it's a different story, why has nobody tried to interview his wife?
Does that make me a hypocrite as I dislike the intrusive personal stories on people's private lives?
The most shocking part for me in that article is that he's a qualified lawyer and yet unemployed, why?.
In countries were the Sharia applies, the law is (as far as I've observed) implemented unequally, men seldom get the punishment proscribed.
The Sharia has no place in Britain and I would resist it's implementation in this country, any systems it employs that are viewed as advantageous could easily be incorporated into the current secular legisilative system.
Old Bed Linen got up to similar.You surely do not expect some form of Honour from a religion that enourages wife beating, paedophilia and gay murders do you?

Islam is a cancer infecting the world, I wonder when the surgeon will decide on Chemo.
There's more than a smidgeon of doubt about the young Bin Laden and his behaviour, I've read that he was a playboy in Lebannon and on the other hand not.
In Islam you can do the Hadj after that you are renewed, so he may have done that, which within Islam would not make him a hypocrite.
Within Christianity you can do the Camino (rather more arduous than the Hadj) or you can become born again, or if you're Catholic go to confession, I'm an Anglican so I'm not sure on that one.
A friend of mine worked in Saudi for several years, he says Muslims were drinking more than Westerners behind closed doors.
Well said R1Geezer!
Why are these scum not interned.Scum like this are inciting racial hatred,why are they not arrested,we certainly would be if we were stood outside a mosque holding up similar placards to them.
I am going to support our soldiers today and i hope there will be no scum like this on our streets.
One thing that has puzzled me, These so-called leaders like Bhakrii, Bin Lardarse and the rest of the lily-livered lot of them,who send in suicide bombers for their cause, why the f*** don't they "do one" themselves, the word COWARD springs to mind
"Why doesn't this character practise what he preaches?"

Whilst not defending this particular person�s extreme beliefs, would you not agree that it is possible to hold values different from those held at an earlier age? The present Roman Catholic Pope was a member of the Hitler Youth-as were all males of his age-but I doubt you�d hear him defending it these days.
Good point TCL
Yes but most youths start from being a tearaway and progress to being a normal human citizen.

This misfit has progressed to being something evil.

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The hypocrisy of Islam.

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