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Ringtone to PC?

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has | 19:58 Sat 14th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Anyone help with this query? The simpler the better!!

I think I've now found a ringtone I wish to use on my mobby. How do I get it to the PC?

Thanks peeps...


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where is it first ?
Question Author
it's on a website called free downloading.
ok what catagory was it you went into and what song i'll have a look for you
Question Author
OK, the song is Elbow - Ground for Divorce (#4) on Ringtones (MP3).

By the way Therema, thanks for your patience!!
Right ok hunni it looks easy enuf, just scroll down the page and it says *click here to download to pc* and a box will come up saying *open, save, cancel* click SAVE then just click save again in the next box and it should save it to your desktop hope this is clear enuf for you happy listening

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Ringtone to PC?

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