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Can anyone tell me what this song it please?

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HoneyBumble | 18:11 Sun 15th Mar 2009 | Music
3 Answers
It is fairly well known and I just cant remember the name of the artist or track title.

Its a kind of upbeat Jazz type track, sang by a woman, who has quite a masculine voice, goes something like
"I want us to get together, put your hands together"

Anyone know who or what the heck Im on about please?



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theres a song called 'Put your hands together' by dusty springfield?
Question Author
No I'm pretty sure it's not Dusty Springfield, but thanks for your quick reply. I think it was on an advert quite a while ago but couldnt be sure which one!
I think i know which tune u mean....
St. Germain - Rose Rouge ture=related

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Can anyone tell me what this song it please?

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