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has anyone been divorced

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maggie01 | 22:21 Sat 14th Mar 2009 | Relationships & Dating
14 Answers
Has anyone here been divorced and got back together with their ex.


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Not got back together but my ex and I have remained good friends. I should think going back would be very difficult unless you have resolved the issues which led to the divorce in the first place
my uncle did ,
I know 2 couples who married,divorced,remarried years later and then divorced again.
Some people never learn
hi maggie, I hope you are well, I remember your posts a while ago now
After my first boyfriend and I split up, he went on to marry 4 times - the last time was a re-marriage to his second wife! We're still friendly - but she's welcome to him!
Wasn't actually divorced but had been separated 2 years, remained fairly friendly and decided to give it another try. Lasted 5 years then he went again and we don't get on AT ALL now. Should have left well alone!
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Hi cazzz. I am doing fine now. ex h and I have remained friends and see each other often. I don't think we would ever get back together as in live together as I would be afraid he would leave again but it's good to get feedback as this re-assures me it probably wouldn't work. But would like to remain friends. It makes it easier with the grandchildren.

Don't quite understand the question.

Are you suggesting that some people, after going through a divorce, marry the same spouse again?

This post should be under psychiatric advice.
my husband and i split abour six years ago he found it hard to let go but i had had my head turned and hit the floor running desperate for a new relationship and for some attention we had 2 children at the time and for a month or so they spent time split between the both of us gradually i fell back in love with my husband but only after he turned back into the man i married i think all relationships at some points go stale mine certainly did my answer was to find attention elsewhere not good i know but i'm being very honest here he wanted e back and sorted out his priorities he forgave my affair i calll it that even thoug we had split because i accept my part in it all and we have since gone on to have 2 more children with him we are more in love than ever and he is the an i met 15 years ago we both had a real shock to the syste when we split but for us it put things back on track i'm not saying it was easy when we go tback together far from it but if sometings worth saving then it's worth a whole lot of heartache.
I'm awaiting my 'absolute' in the next couple of weeks and, ironically, get on better with the man now than I have done for the last 5 years!! but I see him more as a 'brother' these days and couldn't imagine him any other way...
lifgirl.....the question related to DIVORCE, you were not divorced just separated.

For what it is affair by either party, isn't in my books, necessarily a divorce issue.

Surely everyone makes mistakes.
Glad things worked out for you lifigirl but, phew, that's the longest single sentence I've ever read, lol.
I did for a brief time.
He was violent and hit me really badly after I went back to him after saying how much he had changed etc and that he had got help.
I saw sense very quickly is all I can say.
I love my life now and if I stay single for rest of my life, its a life much much better than what I had with him
sqad617, I totally agree with you !!!
I have got help now lol xxx

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has anyone been divorced

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