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ftao doc spock

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legendis.god | 20:25 Mon 16th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Keep up the good work

the videos are great

and im sure they get right on some folks thruppenny bits

all the more reason to keep it up

sod em all


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they don't get on your thruppenys if u don't watch 'em leg!!
besides really boooorrrriiinnnnggg now - it's like a kids first holiday! but at least you're amusing................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................yourself , and your faithful followers!!

you're allright to talk to non "reef" items, though, and many people will say your the gimp and chimp!! :0( sometimes :0)

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hi doc

leggy - do wish you have a great time tonight with the sardine burial - do you think it's demise ws fishy????

did this help????
Love ya vids Doc.

Doc Spock Rocks!!!!

ok - i've watched doc spocks vids and, did'nt think i'd say this - change of heart- they are put together very well.
so well done doc spock - you're doing leggy proud - you may still win me over after all!
is there an initiation? not up the b**thole is it?
cheers guys - enjoy, cause it seems you really are!! that's what holidays are ALL about!!
and why the f*** not - you're only here once,eh?


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