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Happy St Patricks day

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ummmm | 08:38 Tue 17th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
What's people up to today??


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Some of my favourite Oscar Wilde quotes:-)

A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.

It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.

Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.

doc, you make me laugh, even when you're trying to be deliberately provocative and ultra-grumpy.

Has beatrice's odes & ditties not calmed your temperament at all?!! "Keep love in your heart..." ;-)
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did you not go back to bed then, to find the right side?!
I wish I could. I have hayfever, a lingering hangover from sunday, a guilty conscience, a sh1teload of work to get through, a mate coming round tonight to partake of the beverage & my good nature, and the itchy-nip syndrome has reappeared. Not a good state to be in on a Tuesday.

I have declined the usual St Patrick celebrations tonight, for the sake of my health, sanity & liver.
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all suggestions welcome.
No painful ones though thank you.
It seems to be a recurring problem.
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Beannachti na feile Padraig oraibh. Slainte. sympathies. I mentioned Southport on a St Patrick's Day afternnon and night and particularly the next morning...drunks, brawls, vomit ummmm,but guess what?.....she is in total denial.
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No I'm not. It just doesn't happen here so I can't comment. It's probably the plastics that cause the trouble. The Irish who's great great great Grandad was Irish. The same people that then go out On Georges day and cause the same trouble.

Stop picking on me sqad :-(
ummm....sorry I am pro.ummm usually, but on this occasion can't geasp the significance of the event. Age eh! ummmm.
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Don't tar us all with the same brush :-(
ummmm- Before leave you all to enjoy some St Patrick's sunshine, ignore those grumpy heads who are only happy when they are having a moan or picking holes in other posters or just being cynical or just plain nasty. As you can see from this post there are plenty whom are okay + want to wish everyone a Happy St Patrick's Day. As for Bea, can never overdose on loving or goodness or just wonderful optimism. Ignore the muppets ( remember the grumpy muppets on the Muppet Show?)- as it makes you feel happier + it drives them crazy so it is a win win situation!
Urge everyone here, to do as Bea is about to do, enjoy some sunshine + be sunny no matter what :-) ;-)
Hugs to (i) ummmm + all the groovy posters here (i) too!
Bea :-)

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Happy St Patricks day

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