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rock songs

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wallacia | 22:03 Mon 16th Mar 2009 | Music
10 Answers
need to find 4 rock songs that have the bagpipes playing in the song(mull of kintyre does not count as it is not really a rock song),genuine question need these 4 to finish my quiz.thanks in advance?


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ac/dc....think it was... "it's a long way to the top"
Does "You're The Voice" by John Farnham fall within your definition of rock?
the darkness- hazel eyes
lindisfarne - one world
Wizzard - going down the road
anthem by the sensational alex harvey band
-- answer removed --
every beat of the heart - rod stewart
AC/DC " its a long way to the top "
Wizzard " Are you ready to rock "
The Jeff Beck Group " Morning Dew "
Peter Gabriel " Come Talk To Me "
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thank you all for your answers,i think i may have trouble picking the top four.

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rock songs

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