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General - all the answers contain a colour

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lovewalking | 15:25 Tue 17th Mar 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Go on a Spree ? (5,3,4,3) A Strange cure ? (4) Used for manicuring ? (6,5) Memorably important or happy occasion ? (3,6,3) Unsatisfactory or non-existent reply ? (3,6,2,1,5) Stock exchange slang for jobbers clerk? (4,6) Period of good fortune or success? (6,5) Encourage or Allow ? (4,3,5,5) Preserve carefuly for future use ? (3,2,2,8)


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1. paint the town red
Red Letter Day
4 red letter day
Orange stick
7 purple patch
2. ecru
8. Give the green light
Stock exchange .... Blue button
the answer is a lemon
Lay up in lavender

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General - all the answers contain a colour

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