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Yesterday's Time Crossword

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Francis Asis | 08:57 Wed 18th Mar 2009 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Can anyone explain this clue to me please?
Discharge about to be reversed? Capital! (5)
I had Super to start with (pus + re reversed) until I realised it started and ended with As.
I get the capital bit, its the rest I cant work out.
Thanks in advance


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Super seems like the right answer to me. Your reasoning is OK and it makes sense. I'd check your AS - AS if I were you!
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sorry - I'm an idiot. forgot to put that the answer in today's paper said ACCRA. Doh!
And I should have said starts and ends with A as that was confusing too.
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And its the TIMES crossword not TIME. Perhaps i should go back to bed and re-post later!! LOL
Discharge = Arc
About = Ca (circa)

reversed = Ac cra

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Thank you. i've looked up Arc and now understand the discharge bit. And "about" I got the C but not the CA. So I've learnt something today. Thanks again.
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P.S. Still think "super" was a good answer though.
I do too !

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