I have already seen this series on the satellite channel FX. It gets better and better. Cant wait for the next series either. The books are well worth a read.
I adore it totally! I saw Series One then read the first two novels, and I am waiting to get the third, and really enjoying Series Two in terrestrial.
Only thing that bugs me is Jaime Murray;s accent, which I suspect they have given her so the Americans can understand her easily - although to my English ears it sounds a little bit odd. She is rather cute though - but not as cute as the 'real' Mrs Hall!
Much as I love Dexter, it is starting to annoy me as I always thought he was supposed to be very intelligent, one step ahead. Barely an episode goes by where he doesn't leave some clue or overlook something that could lead to him being caught!
Starting to think he's a bit of a bumbling idiot that thinks he is an intelligent killer!
Glad there are loads of Dexter fans out there - what makes me laugh is, when he decides to chop someone up - how does he clad the room in all that polyythene so quickly - and where does he store it ?
My husband has downloaded the next series, but its just getting the time to watch it.
Jamie Murray does speak with a slightly more posh english accent than she did in the Hustle.
Americans either think we speak like Jamie or cockney !
(which I am).
Better late than never! Great Dexter fan it gets better and better, yes he does do the odd strange thing but thats what keeps you on your toes, especially when he cleaned his boat and was clearly told by clueless sister that they were watching him, how annoying but fantastic. Its Lyla I don't like at all, he needs to sort her out deffinitely!!