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would you like to be a ghost??

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joko | 20:35 Thu 19th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
after you die obviously... but given the choice, would you choose to just die...or be a ghost?



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i thought oooh easy answer. id be a ghost to be able to watch my children and (hopefully by time i die) my grandchildren.

but then would it be better to be watching them but unable to ever help or advise them or be dead and gone and never have to watch them making their way in life.
Ooh yes !!

Could have hours of fun with that !!

And just think of all the people who'd p*ssed you off you could come back & haunt !!
i get ignored now so i might as well be a ghost ,
yes definatly i am going to come back to keep my eye on my lot

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would you like to be a ghost??

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