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Truthfully, unless we can examine the coffin that was found, along with the remains, and then examine QE1's remains, we will never truly know, Yet, it is nice to speculate. However, unless an eye witness from that era comes forth (doubtful don't you think) , or an ancient document surfaces from the catacombs, the story will remain that, simply a story. Some stories are best left alone to the ages. This seems to be one. What I'm interested in is how it began and why.
I would like to thank solarlady for giving me the nameof the story, which I didn't know before this was posted "TheGloucestershire legend of "The Bisley Boy", and Lil o Lady for her knowledge as well. She is quite knowledgable in her history. For example, I never knew that Elizabeth had been embalmed. Now that I know the name of the stroy i will do more research into it and try to determine the year that it supposidly occured, and see if there are any 'RELIABLE" documents that pertain to the story. Personally, I think its simply a myth. Yet, every myth has a beginning. Should anyone care to help me at least determine as to what year the myth began and how, I would appreciate it.