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Would you rat on 'em . . . ?

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DebsyDoo | 00:41 Sat 21st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
If you knew someone at work was on Cocaine, would you inform the bosses ?


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Nah, not unless it was affecting them on the job.
Not unless their cocaine taking was directly affecting me or the work environment.
Same as daffy
Sorry - not unless it was having a negative affect on them at work. If they want to get off their tits and do twice the work at half the quality and the only person responsible for the workload is themselves - screw 'em.
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Yeah, that's the thing - doesn't really bother me & it doesn't affect his work (as far as we know) as they're all pretty useless in the transport office anyway - who could say !!!
If he wants to snort his wages up his nose and it is in no way a danger to anyone but himself then let him get on with it. Life is too short to make his problems your own :)
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No, it's not my problem I know, and it wasn't me thinking of doing it, it's another driver who's p*ssed off with him & wants to get him fired ! (he is a tw@t though, I must admit)
I just wondered what the general opinion would be !
Defo not, unless it weas endangering others lives,

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Would you rat on 'em . . . ?

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