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legendaire | 21:43 Sat 21st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
just how many threads can p******t post about me?

20 points for corect username and another 20 if you can guess the number


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Well I will post one about the hakes curnt

Fri 13/03/09
00:18 Lies and more lies knobby, go shag your fat ugly desperate chavvy wife with the bleached straw hair that needs a good cut and style to cover her bald patch, or did you leave her shagging the barman in the hotelbar
I tawt I taw a puddy tat
What's "curnt" ?
You ^
Question Author
currant bun

cockerny slang for the sun

as in the sun in the sky
or the newspaper read by londoners

the sun

?�?�? dth ?�?
I think hakes are a type of fish .......not sure about curnt though........
Question Author
the current is what carries a hake in from the sea

?�? d t h ?�?�

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