Well maybe not. I have just seen this what you have posted now why did you not come out of the closet and tell us as we would have understanded it is not a crime and we all love you even for what you are.
Gormless Sat 08/11/08 21:43 In response to the Chicken man, I have been married to a woman, and engaged to a man, because I wanted to know what it felt like and I am a great believer in equality. I wasn't too sold on the physical bits so I am now back on the market for a woman.
For the benifet of other people on here google seraphiel and see what you get and whiffey is a relgious freak so just put 2 and 2 together and you will get 4
Thank you chico, the great thing about being gay is you can pick a lithe supple partner who doesn't fart in bed, and you don't get landed with a huge tub of lard snoring and staining the mattress.