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Well, the losecs are back next door............

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MWB | 23:02 Sun 22nd Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
and so it begins. The yelling abuse at their 2 kiddies, etc. But at least it's getting chillier now so their windows won't be open all the time & the yelling will be quieter.


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Are you sure that those gypsy lippy and knobby live next door,as that scummy behaviour sounds right up his street!
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It's 11.25am.

Blue sky, not a cloud to be seen, no wind, - another fabulous day in paradise.
What is a losec? Is that their surname or a strange New Zealand term for scumbag?
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Losec - Low Socio-economic creeps! Or kunts.
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Maybe daffys whole brain mechanism is lost? lol
Is autumn on its way where you are MWB? The rellies in Aus are beginning to notice the difference in temperature now, and for good meausre, it's about 7.38 a.m. in their time!
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Yeah, Ice. The days are still gloriously warm but the evenings are getting quite chilly. I'm lighting my multi-fuel at night now. But the heat never really gets to me as all my cats gather round it toasting their eyeballs. lol
Thanks for the insults folks,I only asked a perfectly normal question. My brain is perfectly fine thanks-unlike yours.

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Well, the losecs are back next door............

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