To the point of a blade to the wrists. I was all set to go, but the thought of what it would do to my folks made me reconsider.
It's a dark old hole, Lynsy, and you don't want to be stuck at the bottom. I went to see my Doctor and had a really good chat. I'd decided before I went in that I didn't want to take any medication and I haven't been on any. Ironically, it was Channel 4's coverage of the Italian Football on Sunday afternoons (among other things, I have to say) that set me off!!!!!
I have bad days and not-so-bad days but I manage to get through. You've got to do the same. If you've got a really good friend who will sit and listen to you then lean on them and bend their ear. Let them know you'll be an outlet if they find themselves in the same situation. Alternatively, you could come on here and vent, now and again, if things get really bad.
Try not to look back on things and dwell on them. Forwards and upwards, m'kay?!!!!!