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full drive on computer

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alphabeta | 17:13 Wed 25th Mar 2009 | Technology
5 Answers
hi,one of my hard drives(data d)is showing red and telling me i only have 3.2mb out of 69.6gb left,when i've opened it up i have (among other things i dont understand!) there are two folders of back up files,44 in all! average size of 200000 kbs each. Can i get rid of any or all of them,as i only use my computer for e-mailing and internet use and some storage of music fies,so there is nothing important to lose,any help would be appreciated.


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well in theory at least they are, as you say, backups so not essential for the running of the computer.

However it would be nice to know what they are backups of before saying yeah delete them, do they have a name that may be a clue, or even the name of the folder.

Best option if you really can't figure out what they are backups of would probably be to burn them to CD and then delete them, at least then if you subsequently find out you do need them for anything you still have them.

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thanks chuckfickens,what a good idea to burn them to disk as you say they are there if i need to put back on computer,i thank you again.
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D drive sometimes contains the files for restoring to factory settings.
If you have a restore to factory settings disc, the disc needs the files, in place, to complete the operation.
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thanks trish,will bear that in mind.

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full drive on computer

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