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zzxxee | 18:38 Sat 28th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
im here is anyone pleased/ annoyed or dont really care ?? do share


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I'm having a sense of humor failure this week in general!
I'm annoyed because I need to get ready to go round to my nans but I can't be bothered to have a shower just yet.
Question Author
mmmmmm must be something in the air
Cooooooooooooey chuckie, I am really delighted to see you zz no I am not being sarcastic. x
Tiggs x
I'm with you Chuck. Had a really bad week and it doesn't look like it is going to get much better.
Question Author
thanks cab xx whats up barmaid whys your week been so pants ??
Im bored, off out in a mo for an indian takeaway to cheer me up
Oh lots of things zzxxee. Work mainly, but to top a perfect week the OH has decided he is going back to Spain. For good. Bit of a pi$$er, but I'll get over it.
Seems pretty widespread this bad week thing. I've had a very busy week and I'm being idle for a change
Sorry to hear that Barmaid {:( xxx

Why dont you go to!
Question Author
that is bad luck barmaid do you feel its long term? if so could you go with him?? and if not let your hair down and have a good session girl
Did think about it but I can't practise law in Spain and I am not sure I can give my whole life up here for someone who is not sure what he wants. So I'll enjoy the next few weeks with him and then move on!

Mind you, going to get hammered tonight! Cheers all!!!
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good on you girl.... just live for the moment xx
When I get peed off I have a chinese.
MEAL /in case you thought I meant something else lol
Thought i had got a good deal on a jar of hellmans mayo, it said a squid on the promotion which was on the shelves and the young lads were putting more on , till i looked at my receipt when i got home to find i have been charged the full monty, its going back tomorrow!!
very cheesed off today, cos i got a letter from my boss yesterday telling me my days off work in the last year (not that many really, but my group is based on only five people) have caused me to be the highest scorer in th "Bradford factor" so im probably due for the chop soon. doesn't take into consideration that one other in our group is at work every day but sits and does nothing practically every day for the last 6 years. can't seem to settle at anything today.

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