Depends on the lease's contents and if it is a reassignment. However, shop around if money is tight. Use a conveyance professional person. It could be cheaper. A lease is general accept for additional entries or addendum. If your are good in your English read the lease and try and understand restrictions and liabilities. That usually is basically the problem that would arise in any lease for certain entries for restriction and liability. I can tell you I did not pass my eleven plus and educated only to primary standard. To top it all the education I had was in a foreign country where English as a subject was not essential. If I have to read any contract or agreement I read it very slowly for my brain to absorb and understand a sentence with juggling the words either way round in a sentence to understand it fully its meaning. English spoken in itself is easy to understand but to speak with a particular word placed in the beginning, middle or end of a sentence in law, contract or an agreement gives a different view to meanings.