Velvetee - they anaethetise your nose with a spray up each nostril - I had this done when I was due to have my thyroid gland removed - I was absolutely shi!!ting myself, but I can honestly say it did'nt hurt a bit.
Velvetee...they use a spray anaesthetic up the nostril and the camera is a thin fibre optic flexible cable. I asked loads of questions on here before I had mine because the thought of it was quite I was stunned when they did the procedure though because I honestly couldn't feel it at all! I had to have a larger,rigid camera as they couldn't see whether there was anything there,that was done under general anaesthetic though. I was diagnosed eventually with gastro oesophageal reflux disease.
I have so much respect for surgeons, the level of concentration is amazing!
Wolf, someone told me once many doctors are failed vets as it's harder to get into! I guess learning about one species is different to learning about all different kinds, especially as they can't really speak to tell you what's wrong.