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What sayings?

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liverpoolfoo | 20:24 Sun 29th Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Just wondering what sayings wind people up?
One that really gets my back up is ''See you later'' or ''Catch you later'' When you know you'll never see that person ever again.......


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Sorry stompe....the chippendales have never turned me aint my kind of man!!! :-D
Is it me then? 20 {:D
clio57.....yes i agree ...that totally drives me mad...

or my boss when he says the royal 'WE'
'we' must book that
'we' will take care of that
'we' will sort it

you mean 'I' will sort it....dont ya!! lol
Could be you stompe....;-D ....but i guess i'd have to get in a queue....and i dont do queuing (sp?)
YEAH 20 you have taste! no queue {:(
How's about:

"Well done, you" Why the farquharring fornicators do they have to add the "YOU" ??????????

It's OBVIOUS who has done well !!!!! Because that's who you're talking to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Get me my straitjacket, NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Silkcut. I bet your boss doesn't say "We" when taking the credit for your work!
somehow i dont quite believe u've got quite the harem on
cleo are quite right once you've been there lol

and sound really wound up... take a deep breath :-D

That's just the problem, what with me twitchy wrist an all, I've had more deep breaths today than you lot ave 'ad 'ot dinners !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
paraffin...i guess twitchy wrists can come in quite handy now and again wonder you've been deep breathing ;-0

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