ummmm - arguments/or little disagreements are part and parcel of a good relationship so don't worry - b/f probably feels a bit guilty and hopefully will make it up to you later - it's the making up that's the best!
so glad you and maplestar happy - that's what makes the world a lovely place to be in, eh?
mwb - stayed in auckland but travelled around and liked hawkes bay and manawatu - agree with you about the heat though, so places i liked on the south island is queenstown and wanaka as so lovely. The scenery is breathtaking, in most parts.
one day, one day!!
thank you so much for the invite - i would love to come to see you and probably will in time! that'll be great!
gotta go now - have a great day and see you all later this afternoon, hopefully xxx :0)
I have the blues today completely fed up, 5 staff havent turned in so no soldiers just me the boss, I can handle that
though no problem. Just sack em all tomorrow, only kiddin.
mwb -that's what i intend to do when i come over - get to see the more rural amd picturesque places and decide where to settle - schools could be important though as we have 4 children - two already in high school though so they may be out by the time we come,. the other two are quite young still.