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stompe | 20:30 Tue 31st Mar 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
a Miserable Git in the mornings?


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Only if I'm not asleep.
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not just in the mornings all the time
No, I'm more of a miserable git later in the day. Usually pretty chirpy in the morning
nope, im normally drinking guiness and ready for bed.

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Roofy, in (Victor Meldrew voice),I don't believe It !

Bensmum, Why later on?
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Hi Dave, you like your Guinness! lol
not working tonight , so have a guess what im doing now..

Hi Dave - how's the back?
I am a morning person stompe - always better then
What's a morning?
hi stompe, did WBM get banned this morning, when i got on there was another morning thread as WBM'S had been removed.

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The time of day when Hangovers occur {:)
No I'm chirpy but still crazy
agree with bensmum i am a morning person i get stropier as the day goes on tonight i feel right pi$$ed off
hi bensmum, a little sore on one side, not been to bad all day, tnx for asking.

We can have a good old moan together then ruthann!
Dave - waterboatman's thread was removed this morning but is back now
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I thought he had one too many Jamesons and fell in the canal {:)
he may like some water in his whiskey

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