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April fool??

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jonah hart | 07:56 Wed 01st Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Somebody tell me some good April fools please need to get the kids b4 they go to school hehe cruel :) but needed x


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I told them I was pregnant.... But feel guilty now cos they got so excited :( think I'll ring mr hart an tell him same .... Bet I don't get same reaction :)
lol....tell him it's twins :-)
...and that the twins are going to have the biggest bedroom when they arrive...!
Yes, it's a joke.
From that article... "My assistant April" and "called us fools".

Besides, any piece of wood buried in the ground for that long would have rotted.
yer I know its like they bought it yesterday
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Hehehe told mr hart.... Then said I had to go.. Will ring him just b4 12 and tell April fool... Can't believe he believed me hehe so much fun :)
I hope it hasn't given him a heart attack? Poor man!
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I did say I've got to go milkmans here an I think he should no!!!! But still he never clicked... :)
this is a good one, ...just read whos singing the ukraines national anthem... cle2353120.ece


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April fool??

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