My friend applied to a major supermarket a while ago that was due to open saying she would work in any position vacant. She never got a reply and when it opened last week nearly every position on the supermarket floor-including the manager- was taken by an Asian person. The 3 other supermarkets around here are virtually the same. How does this happen? By the way this is in Barnet & Enfield.
Is your friend already employed? sometimes supermarkets work in conjuction with the council for the area and a high proportion of jobs are offered to unemployed people in the area. It looks good for the media to reduce the number of unemployed for a certain area.
10clarion street,like i said had it being all white then i would've said the same thing,maybe they're al better qualified. If i run a business then im going to be hiring the best and the sharpest for the job at hand and it does'nt matter to me whether they are in a wheelchair,wear a skirt have black skin or white skin or is called now called "brenda" after being born "brendon"lol!
Thats strange you should say that - a few years ago Asda opened its new store in Romford - I would say 80% of the shop floor work force were indian or african, at that time.
Now it seems to have levelled out with a mixture of nationalities.
And no, I am not being racist, before someone says I am - it was just an observation.
Anyone who said they would work in any position wouldn't get a look in I wouldn't think.
If you were a till operator (sorry don't know the correct name) would you really want to work as a cleaner? You surely would be more interested in a till operators job. Most companies want the best person to do the job and in that way can give thier customers the best service.
She was probably TOO vague....she may have thought saying she would take anything would show willingness. But instead,she comes across as someone who has no specific goals. Managers want applicants who have a specific interest or ambition that will keep them focussed.
I am not being racist,it was just an observation. My friend is unemployed and is so desperate for a job that is why she is willing to work in any part of the supermarket. She is a highly intelligent woman but like many others at the moment cannot get a job. By the way Zacsmaster I didn't say they were not born in the UK. I know they are Asian/Indian/Pakistani etc because I can see them!