If you have another two dips and get Parsons Legacy and Rambling Minster then you are definitely receiving some signs. Perhaps a vocational calling.
Maybe say a few prayers, cross your fingers, salute Mr Magpie, put some lucky heather in your wallet, buy a rabbits foot and hope for the luck o� the Irish, and you might be in with a cat in hell�s chance of having a horse who might just finish the course.
I just think it's sweet how Waldo and Octavius are agreeing more these days. I'm already imagining you sharing a hymn book during sunday service! (Quite odd since one of you is some sort of roman general and one of you is a frog in my head).
Ha ha! I'd forgotten about Captain Satan's World of Gayness and Laughter (and Baby Eating)! There were some gloriously juvenile response to that moron.
Anyway, I took my sweepstake to mean I should push a priest off a cliff top. Is this not right?
Sadly no, Dagobert's unmentionables were involved in a collision involving a rampaging bull elephant. Whether Dagobert was the cause of the elephant rampaging was never established to anyone's satisfaction, but the taint of scandal was enough to send him off to Oceania where no one knew of his crime and where two dimensional testicals are considered less socially unacceptable.