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tiggerblue10 | 00:24 Sat 04th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
...the last film or TV programme that brought tears to your eyes?


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Fern leaving This Morning.
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imhotep...those children were only looking pitiful because they could see Lenny Henry and wondered how he was so fat
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Understandable CD.

I'm glad other people cried at EE too Goodbye. I don't feel so silly knowing that. Lol
Good comment ELVIS!
On the same vein, anything to do with The Holocaust.
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I agree MWB. I cried during one episode of Band of Brothers. The one where they found the concentration camp.

I've seen Schindlers List twice now. I have no idea why I watched it a second time cos I knew it would start me off again.
tigger. The 2 scenes with the little girl in the red coat. First walking, then in the back of a truck!

Jeez that destroyed me!

And that film - don't know the name but it is set during the nazi occupation of Italy and all these nuns help the jewish children to escape.

The nazis shoot the rabi and a little jewish boy prays over him

It's so sad it's often on in the afternoons at the weekend - well I've seen it 3 times this year
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Things like that just mess my head up.
On a happier note.............

The movie, It's a Wonderful Life.
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OMG yes. What a fantastic film MWB. I love a feel good happy ending. (Totally unlike EE last night!!!)

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