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Email from Ed

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tiggerblue10 | 16:31 Sat 04th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I've just checked my emails and found an email from Ed yesterday saying that I hadn't been online for sometime!

Has anyone else received such emails?


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lol tigger , yes dozens of the regulars, except me : ( I'm not pleased lol It was a not topic yesterday! Some even got the email as they were contributing!
I got one like that tiggs! go figure! I was on yesterday as well
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Lol Dot. I found it strange as I normally log on everyday when I get home from work.
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Looks like Mr Ed is losing the plot! lol
Hee tigger , lots of us got one , I got one yesterday xxx
Same here {:)
Yep, this was discussed yesterday. Seems like quite a few of us have been sent the same e-mail.
its an automatic thing
i have had one
along with an email from the ed telling me hes off to stay in his chalet iin the new forest.

where is that and is it better than the old forest?

anywyas hes left the asistant ed to zapp the nasties.
should be a fun saturday nite then eh
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Hi BM, how are you hun? xxx

Oh I must have missed yesterdays threads. I only logged on later in the evening.
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The New Forest is in the South of England Leg. I got lost in there during a treasure hunt a few years back :o(
welll sounds like a nice weekend fro the ed then

do you think hes got wifi?
or an i-phone ?

does this mean you will leave the copy/paste alone tonight then leg ;D
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Not quite sure if there are any signals in there! Lol
I haven't got one either. I just assumed that I'm getting a phone call to check up on me at a later date as I'm a bit more 'special' than just an email.
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I imagine that would be the case CD.

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Email from Ed

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