About a year ago I was on the verge of calling for the Fire Brigade because I could smell a strong smell of burning in the house. Luckily my son and daughter in law arrived at that point but they could smell nothing and eventually convinced me that everything was okay.
Since then this has been happening regularly, usually every 6-8 weeks or so and whereas at first it only lasted a couple of hours, now it lasts for about a week at a time, with every single breath is a really strong smell of burning. I have mentioned it to my Dr who just looked at me as if I was stupid.
I have always had problems with a blocked up nose and constantly use nasal sprays - could it be the sprays causing the problem? Could it be menopausal?
If this was happening to me I would go back to my G.P or if you feel happier try and see another one at your surgery.....assuming you can do this. Ask for a referral to see a neurologist. Sometimes people with epilepsy do smell strange smells that no one else can.......I do not want to worry you and of course it could very well be linked to your nasal problems. I think your GP's response was uncalled for if this is happening on a regular basis then you need answers.
I would tend to agree - go back to your surgery and try and see another doctor. At the end of the day it is a symptom needs to be looked into for your own peace of mind!
If you cant see a different doctor, try and make an appointment with yours in the morning - sounds silly but its the time of day I find my doctor the most helpful and least stressed so more likely to listen to what I am saying!
Is it burning or smoke? Sounds silly but sometimes if a person has passed away who you know and they smoked, they often visit us and you get a distinct smell of smoke or burning when they are around. Is this possible? Do you know of someone who has died and smoked that would possibly want to contact you? Just a thought, may not be anything to do with your health.
Hello, I googled the question 'I can smell burning' and yours came up, I know it was posted a long time ago but did you ever find out what was causing it?
many thanks.