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Pugnacious bobby

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stewey | 03:01 Thu 09th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
According to the BBC he has 'come forward', finally. Did it take this long for him to realize that he was incorrect in his actions; or was he too busy crying to his lawers. Almost the British equivalent of the Rodney King incident. I don't live in the UK so cannot judge your police force; however, I have absolutely no respect for MOST cops: they join because they want the belts with the gun, the mace, the handcuffs, the big flashlight, the badge, and the car with the flashing lights and siren. There is no altruistic idea of looking after people inherent within most of these cop's feeble minds.


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i don't usually side with the police but on this occasion im going too.what the heck was this man doing walking in front of the cordon he must have been totally obvious to what was going on,or thought he was untouchable, of course the police are going to try and get him to move they didn`t know he wasn`t one of the G20 mob its just a shame he had a heart attack.but i don't think the copper in question should be sacked he was just doing his job.

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