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Had to laugh . .

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DebsyDoo | 17:49 Thu 09th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Whilst I was doing aforementioned plastering, two little "herberts" were climbing on the wall outside & I told 'em (in no uncertain terms) to "push off" - to which they started giving it the usual verbal - so I thought for a bit, then went & got my camera & hey presto - they legged it like the wind !!!

Result, or what ?


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You big bully!!!!

Great idea though - hope they don't come back with their dad who will demand to know why you're photographying his little angels.
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LOL !!!!

'Bout right for these days Cath !!
Don't know about you but if someone had told me off when I was young no way would I have gone hold and told mum and dad.
hold meant home
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Ditto that Cath - I'd have probably got a "clip round the ear" for whatever it was if I had !

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Had to laugh . .

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