Like bednobs I use a lot of cheques. I pay my hairdresser, milkman and newsagent with cheques. I also send them into school to pay for trips, school uniform, photos etc. I also use them to send money to my nieces for their birthdays.
Anyway, why are you delighted? Is it because you can get stuck behind someone paying by cheque? Using a debit or credit card can take just as long. Or is it because you work for a bank and don't have as many cheques to check everyday. When I worked in a bank we had to go through every cheque that had come in, check that they were not post dated or out of date, had a payees name on, were signed, that the words and figures agreed and that the amount was the same as on the printout which arrived with them. We would have tens of thousands of cheques a day coming in. Now that's a lot of work.