No, the legal requirement is for a motor to have certain power so you cannot legally increase the power. You can change the gear ratios to give you a higher top speed but that would decrease the awsome acceleration of the moped.
yes there is a way to de-restrict a moped this is by taking off the drive belt cover and removing the front pully where the belt goes round and looking for a large washer about 2 0r 3 mm thick and removing it.this will give you more top can also change the variator rollers located around the same area and on the exhaust if you have a tube piece bit coming from off the exhaust which is squeezed on the end cut it off tight to the exhaust then weld the hole back my eyes none of these are breaking the law as the law wont even know these mods have been carried out.from kev (gus332)
Saying "none of these are breaking the law as the law wont even know these mods have been carried out" is like saying "it's legal to kill people if the law doesn't find out"...
... ok, that's maybe an extreme example, but you get the point!
The only truly legal way to make it faster is to ride it down a hill!
We had a long arguement about breaking voting laws recently. Caibrax I wish you'd been there on my side!!! Tim Baxter is offer the safe and sensible advice. If you want to live to see 17 samz90, please take heed. Oh- and the law would know - if you got caught doing a speed the bike shouldn't be able to do, the police will look at the bike and then take your licence away as you would have been breaching your driving licence. This may even effect your chances of getting a car licence. Is it worth it?
Calibrax, whilst I completely agree with your sentiments re the tampering with the engine, speed is not governed by the law with regard to mopeds. It is illegal to increase the engine's power but it says nothing about its speed. Therefore if moped muppets want to go faster they can legally trade acceleration (ha ha) against speed.
Try leaning forward into wind extra 5mph, go faster stripe on fuel tank extra 5mph, trim L plate to minimum size possible(illegal) extra 3mph take out baffles in exhaust (ilegal) extra 20 mph , soon your moped will be doing 120mph, in your mind....sorry could not resit, keep it normal, gain the experince and enjoy untill you are able to take your full bike test or better still car test.