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is asda still open 24hrs today?

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middkazsam | 23:13 Fri 10th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
is asda still open 24hrs today?


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Oh no don't start that one again! Poor knobby, abandoned on the downstairs sofa.

Never take your wife to a pub.
stoke. really? that's wierd, none of the trolleydollies at our asda look like they can decypher a tax disc
How luck is Scottyland, Tesco are normal hours up here so they are <:-)
Shops should all close on Sunday.

If the shop is going to be closed on Sunday ...

... and you are going to need something ...


... buy it tomorrow !!!

(this does not apply to seaside resorts, obviously)
lol honest dot they were checking tax discs at our local store......1 was looking at mine and i told him to...''fcuk off'' in a nice way of course................
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jj brighton should be close ALL the year
well if we are talking full scale all year closure, what about London, it has served it's purpose and costs the rest of the UK so much just to keep the kebab shops open


Yep, London ... close it.

A big tarpaulin would do, pegged down on the M25.

It would keep the smell in.
hey jj.................get on flake at haydock 2morrow.............
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asda was shut tescos was open :) so did my shopping at midnight

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is asda still open 24hrs today?

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