Times Jumbo 808 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Times Jumbo 808

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madmags | 17:39 Sat 11th Apr 2009 | Crosswords
9 Answers
I've really struggled with this today, and I need help on a few.

7d Attic's keeping out rain only to begin with - anorak's needed here.
I want to put GEEK but can't see why and now I've got that in my head I can't see anything else.

30ac. Got together with prisoner to sell ecstasy smuggled in. C-N---E- CON something.

28d. Plant exporting a mass of semi-conducting element.
---A-I-M. geranium, titanium?? Can't work that one out.

36 ac -U-E Solid copper just has to exist . Like Geek I've got cure into my head and can't see anything else.

I'm really annoyed with myself for not getting this finished sooner.


Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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30a. Convened
36a. Cube (Cu=copper + Be = exist)
geranium and cube
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Oh I am so annoyed about Cube and Convened. Saw them as soon as they came onscreen.
Geranium was on my short list but can't see why apart from it being a plant.
Attic = Greek.
7d Geek - 'Attic' = Greek, less r(ain)
28d Ger(m)anium - less m(ass)
GERMANIUM is used in semiconductors, so gerManium without Mass becomes GERANIUM

I knew Physics would come in handy one day..I've had a long wait!
7d Attic=Greek..remove "r" (rain only to begin with) to give Geek
Question Author
Greek minus the r for right.

Thanks everyone.

Must do some more practice with these. I'm losing my touch - or too many brain cells.
And to think I do this to keep my brain working....

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Times Jumbo 808

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