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jack daniels | 21:27 Tue 14th Apr 2009 | Gardening
2 Answers
my lawn is covered in dandelions - can hardly see the grass!!!!
has anyone got an effective solution to get rid of them besides paving/tarmac, or re-turfing it?



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Verdone weedkiller is excellent (B&Q)
30mls in 6 litres of water,sprinkle on whilst the dandelions are in full leaf ie before mowing and they shrivel up in no time, and they don't come back! Also harmless to pets once it's dry.
Then if the dandelion coverage is as extensive as you suggest you will be left with a rather grassless lawn.
We had a rule of thumb in a previous life that if a lawn had more non-grass than grass the remedy was a new surface.If you take the "kill-and-repair" route you will have to clean off the dead growth, remove the cause of the dandelion infestation and then reseed what appears will be large bare areas, which means that you wont be able to use it for some time.

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