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Rhodes Minnis Cryptic Places

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poodledoo | 21:54 Mon 06th Apr 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
40 Answers
26)On the river bank
31)Finished the horses house(I've got ? stable)
41)Not far out
42)Never stays at home
46)You get this when you get to 18
No no. of letters given.


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what about reed for 26


Im also stuck on 38 only a lake as well as the others we are al stuck on
Hi Tazmac

38. Mere

Can you help with

3. Didn't stop
25.opposite of mine toes
36. Charcoal

Many thanks
Question Author
Going to bed now to dream about walking along a river bank

Got a possible answer for no26, but will sleep on it! Don't usually have any inspiration at this time of night!

Towpath, Shepperton
see told you I was trying lol

38 Mere?

now I need 42 and 46 (dont like dorking)
Hi Jared

not saying these are right but ....

3 preston
25 minehead
36 burntwood

good luck and well done BTW on melksham
thanks tazmac
not easy for us away up north, i still need 5, 12, 34, 39,42,44
5 highwood??
34 potters bar
12 gainsborough
39 freshwater
44 evesham

good luck fordward
5. Halewood
34. Potters Bar
44. Evesham

Sorry cant help with the others still need them myself
thankyou tazmac & jared
i missed 23

and there is always

5 heywood near manchester

oh I had Heywood and now swapped it to Halewood
decisions decisions
Question Author
thank you all for your answers.Now more confused than ever as I keep changing the answers!
anyone got 42?
smouse I put Falcon ??
For never stays at home??

Youre not suffering from over quizzing are you cos its lost me lol
Question Author
Freebi is on the Capel-Le-Ferne quiz!
Hello everyone please may I jump in on poodledoo's site.
For 23 I found a place called Sheet & for 26 I found that Tales Of The Riverbank (childrens story) was set in Galston ?? Just another idea.
I still need 29,41 & 42 Can anyone help please.
Thanks in anticipation.
Thanks Poodledoo - I was completely lost

Reminds me of the time I printed off the answers to the wrong quiz and didnt realise and posted it off - guess what I didnt get any right lol

and 41 is on this thread
If it's any help, I've got Newquay for No. 46.


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Rhodes Minnis Cryptic Places

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