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Oh sheet

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knobbynonut5 | 01:54 Sat 18th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
I think I have just burnt me pukka pie.

Well it is your fault for keeping me distracted on here. nonuts/?action=view¤t=pukkapie.jpg


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Not much chance for you then knob head with all the filth you have posted on here. Banned recently again I see.
It's called a proper noun whifffey you fool. Even when I blaspheme I am allowed to punctuate.
I just spoke to God and he agrees.
I am not contesting the grammar, it just seems in poor taste. Do you think people are lining up to admire you just because you typed Jesus Christ? It's as fake and pseud as people who type Yeah instead of Yes. Lazy, cool man? No, stupid.
Oh dear, I have just now seen the picture of your pitiful pukka pie......
It looks a bit on the sad side don't you think?
Looks as if something is trying to escape from the pie......

Vomit is in poor taste but my dog still eats it. Go bible bash somewhere else lest we all get saved and become self righteous.
I'm not bible-bashing, just showing you up as a pseud.
I do not give a sh!t what you or anyone else thinks of me or if they admire me or not, in fact I doubt if anyone else does either except you so why not get on your zimmer frame and shuffle off to another thread. God will love you even more if you do.
You cared enough to type 5 lines
Conversing with you is like banging ones head against a brick wall. You are the type of person who will require a lifetime of counselling because you never seem to get the point and you are starting to bore me so am off to blaspheme elsewhere.
What made you think I wanted to converse with you?

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Oh sheet

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