i think deep down you know the answers already but i can understand why you need to hear from him because ive been there myself. The fact that hes see's your distress and still doesnt give you them suggests that he knows hes backed into a corner and he cant get out of this now so he defers the situation and makes out your the one with the problem, sorry to say but thats a classic sign that hes done something, but i think deep down you know that too. hes saying that hes only with you because of the baby, do you really want this? you deserve more than that! The way i see it is and i hope you dont think im being harsh is that hes left you twice in a week, hes lying to you, hes buying gifts for a unknown person, hes making you ill with the stress and putting your child at risk, messaging another woman, and has said hes only with you because your pregnant. By the sound of things its already over. Could it be hes behaving like this because he wants YOU to end it so that he can walk away without the guilt? Have you tried speaking to his mother for advice afterall if hes running home to mammy all the time he might have confided in her. Your child needs happy parents, is it really fair to bring it into this environments? I think you have to ask yourself, is this what you want for you and your baby? good luck velvetee xxx thinking of you